Upcoming Workshop

Creating Sustainable Changes: A workshop to help you to embody your well-being

Saturday, April 20th


Cost $100

at Mukunda Studio 1250 Folsom St.

San Francisco

This 3 hour pause is an adaptation of a workshop from a yoga retreat that I facilitated. The idea is to feel as though you are experiencing a nice get-away, while also receiving valuable resources. The bonus is that, it’s all happening in one afternoon!

It’s a physical practice followed by a workshop, because sustainable habits include the mind and the body.

About the physical practice:

  • a fusion of yoga and mobility training

  • improves tight hips, reduces neck and shoulder pain

  • reduce pent up tension in the body

  • gentle, for all levels

About the workshop:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety

  • Improve your sleep and rest

  • Discover sustainable practices for more energy

  • Find more mental clarity and emotional balance

  • Optimize personal and professional productivity

Previous Workshops

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Rewriting the Narrative

In what is frequently described as “Unprecedented Times”, now is the time to reclaim the narrative of your life. Unprecedented is another word for blank slate. In community, conversation and embodiment, we will discuss and practice some tools to support aligning your mindset with your desired goals and intentions.

“I loved all the practical tips that are easy to incorporate into daily life. My biggest takeaway was a reframe on “resistance.” Michelle offered a new perspective that resistance is a sign of a challenged belief. I used to think resistance meant I was stuck. If my intention is to expand beyond limiting beliefs, then I can look forward to the next feeling of resistance as a true opportunity to do the work. Merci, Michelle.”

  • Natalie M


This fall, join us as we practice self-care and community-care in a supportive, nurturing, restorative container led by Michelle Emmanuelle, a Wellness Consultant who supports burnout prevention and recovery, along with time management & play facilitator Morgan Shidler, and Yoga Teacher Estee Fletter. 

Spaciousness, agency, and freedom are foundational elements of our time together. With ample space to reconnect and restore, this sacred weekend retreat in the presence of intentional folks from diverse backgrounds, voices and experiences, provides support for burnout prevention and recovery. 

Through identifying the root causes and types of burnout, we will inquire both individually and collectively to cultivate awareness, practices, and habits to support lasting change while approaching life's challenges with more ease and balance. We will identify where stress is held in the body, working with somatic (physical) practices, yoga, meditation, and group coaching to facilitate a more centered, resourced way of being. Reflection and deeply healing practices for reintegration allow for a sustainable post-retreat experience.

Weekend Fall Retreat: October 27-29th, 2023


“Michelle's work in the wellness and yoga sphere is phenomenal. She walks the walk! She's authentic and kind, and also speaks with courage and candor. Her ideas for sustainability are creative and compelling. I'm so grateful that I've had the opportunity to attend her workshop.”

— Ashley H.

“Michelle delivers her content in a way that is fierce and also inviting, creating space to listen, be vulnerable, take accountability, learn, and grow.”

— Zoe E.

“Michelle's workshop was so necessary for my healing process during a difficult period of my life. The shift in perspective that I gained from attending has truly been life-changing. I have been able to incorporate many tools that keep me more playful, happier, inspired, and ultimately healthier.”

— Renee D.